Monday, May 23, 2011

The Curse of the Black Spot

The problem with watching an action-packed and suspense-filled show like Doctor Who is it never fails to leave you hanging. Like I wrote in my previous post, the two-part season opener left us with a laundry list of questions begging to be answered. I anxiously waited all week for a new episode and what did I get? A filler episode. I understand that they can't give everything away in the first few episodes of the season. I realize this is how they keep me coming back for more, and it is clearly working. Frustrations aside, this was a pretty good episode. At first, I was apprehensive - this episode's pirate theme has been done before by virtually every other media form since the success of the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie - but it didn't entirely disappoint. Don't get me wrong, I love Pirates of the Caribbean and I love the pirate theme, but after a while, it's hard to make it interesting. In true Doctor Who fashion, the plot combines traditional pirate lore, like walking the plank and the Siren, with a spaceship and futuristic medical technology. There were some classic Doctor Who moments - funny asides, wonderfully dry British humor, and several plot twists before the ultimate resolution. Overall, it was not one of my favorite episodes and not just because it was a filler. Truthfully, some of the best episodes have been fillers and in fact, the first episode I ever saw and probably my favorite to this day was completely irrelevant to the overall plot of its season. However, I didn't feel like this week's characters, obviously aside from The Doctor, Amy, and Rory, were very compelling. This is definitely a testament to what I pointed out in an earlier post - as incredible as the story lines are, what really moves this show along is the characters, and as shown by this episode this goes for both regular and guest characters.

This episode did feature a second appearance by the Eye Patch Lady (see above), a second inconclusive body scan of Amy regarding her possible pregnancy, and more discussion between Rory and Amy about The Doctor's imminent death. River Song was not featured or discussed in this episode. Ultimately, all of last week's questions still stand. Ugh.

Bonus: If you're wondering about the title of my blog or if you're just looking for a this clip.

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